“Phenomenal discoverers are at first, ridiculed, followed by mistrust and mockery-then,

approve them”.






Mathematics is the universal truth, numbers do not lie. And astronomy is the royal science. Well written articles and books are when contain more facts and scientifical datas than opinions and doctrines,or myths, and empty words. Most of the books have 80% of ‘wasteful’ reading and 20% of valuable datas and infrmations. I went for scientifical datas and useful informations. However,this is

more for advanced people in the ancient archeo-astronomies, numbers,sacred geometry,symbolism, hebrew and greek gematria,architecture and galactic cycles,calendars,biblical and quranic codes,to the length of the Great Year,Anno Magnus and freemasonic or religious “secrets”- mostly,decdoded. And much more. This is also a sort of investigative report on 911 and 2033. This investigative report will create a lot anger at the ruling “elite”,freemasonic lodges,and from their ‘puppets and servants’ with possible persecutions and other threats,including physical ones…


But the public has the right to know


That we live in cyclical time, not linear one, in cosmic, galactic, solar and Earthly cycles, where the largest cycle of time is measured by the Great(Precessional) Year,Anno Magnus of cca 25,920 solar years with the basic number of 72 years per arc degree in 360* arc degrees zodiac.where our Earth axis

slowly wobbles and proceeds in a circle…This Precession is not the same in each Great Year, and our current Great Year,Anno Magnus, counts 25,793 solar years as the ‘Medium,or Platonic’ year,between the Great Solar Year of 25,920 years or Great Lunar Year of 25,627 solar years. These Great Years were divided by the ancient Serpent cultures of Mesoamerica on 5 ages of sun, Solar Year of 5 times

by  5,184 years,and Lunar Year of 5 x 5,124 years,One age of sun,as 13 Bak’tuns. For example,the solar stone-calendar with sun-god,Tonatiuh,of the Aztecs,has diameter of 12 feet and thickness of 3 feet, what is 144 inches x 36 inches= uqual to solar Great Year of one-fifth, 5,184 years…The one-fifth of the Great Lunar Year of 13 Bak’tuns ,or 5,124 years, one could see in a such freemasonic entities,as  is the EU parlaments,before Brexit and join of Bulgariaand Romania the EU, when there was 732 members in the EU parlament divided on 7 political interest groups: 732×7=5,124…Something similar we can see in the US luni-solar Congress and Senat consisting of 540 members in total,where is 440 Congress members and 100 Senators…540* arc degrees has pentagon,and transmitting it into an arc seconds, it is 1,944,000 arc seconds,as there is days in there is regular,solar days in the 5,184 years ,or one-fifth in the Great Solar Year…Therefore,we will witness numerous governments having either solar or lunar calendars amount of its members,just as we encounter these various numbers and its fractions or multiples in the ancient myths and religions… We could see it in the ancient,Roman Senat,where the

Emperor-dictator,had 24 fascia rods of symbolical ‘unity’. The Praetor 12 fascia rods, Propraetor 6 fascia rods,the Licitor 3 fascia rods, and the imperial Legat had 5 fascia rods of ‘Roman unity’ of “astronomical proportions”: 24x12x6x3=5,184 x 5 = 25,920 years of the Great Solar Year… In similar,astronomical “fashion” was organised the modern Eurocurrency, or the modern Olympic Games divided on Summer and Winter Games with its calendrical cycles and numbers! And the unsuspecting and ignorant public, never notices similar pattern of the Gemini-Apollo and Apollo-Soyuz “union” in skies on 1975,with its hidden math code-formulas! Even the NASA logo of the Apollo Flights on the Moon was a perfect masonic symbol ,the public either ignored or not understood! Worst than that,the ignorrant public never noticed the usual “ZION” logo of the Olympic




Games, within the oficial and individual games and their logos, from the Olympic Games of 1992 in Barcelona, until recent games in Tokyo,2020…The most visible ZION logo was visible on the London’s Games of 2012, only 20 years to Novus Ordo Seclorum at Annuit Copeptis, in 2032 and 2033…London is the only world city gifted with 3 times,hosting the Games,as the symbol of Trinity(galactic alignment) as revealed in full beauty and numbers on the Codex Mendoza with Seven and Nine “constelations” aligned at the end of one Great Year and start of the next Great Year,divided by the Earth pole shifts with the shift of the Earth axis followed…But this event will be preceeded by the major re-polarisation of the sun!The Seven constellations aligned,hass total of 117 single stars,and the “Nine constellations” aligned(7+2 calendrically added “constellations” by the Maya or Aztecs) has total of 135 single stars,with the tears of the Maya-Aztec astronomer-priest, telling us that there will be many human tears,once this galactic(central column) and 7&9 constellations occurs…And we know from Izapa monuments,and from writers on astronomies,like Graham Hancock(Magicians of the GODS),or deceased John Major Jenkins (Galactic Alignment), clearly proved from the astronomical and monumental point of view that we are almost at the end of that ‘Trinity’Alignment! Graham Hancock is the most recognised astronomer in the world,with over 50 books, and he clearly and boldly  write in his book,Magicians of the GODS, that our current civilisation might cease to exist up to 2040!

In his latest book,’America Before’, he clearly set the record straight,that We aren’t the First or Last Civilisation’…(In my 37 years long research in the ancient archeo-astronomies,I agree and confirm the same).  With development of human civilisation arises also wickedness and corruption,greed and pursuit of money,wealth and power…Every major religion state that ‘Mankind get corrupted and wicked at the “end time”’…Of course,the world never ends,it is here for millions of years and it will be here, only corrupted human civilisations ends,one after another,due to its cosmic cycles rather than “sins” as the religions blame it on our sins, rather than cosmic forces and cycles…Purgatory of the Earth will occur even if we all became sinless as Christ, or no one will live anymore on this planet,no doubt.By the men ‘doctored’ religions to their own desires pursuing their own goals of makind control,exploitation and subjugation by surrendering to it,or by scarry tactics of all sorts of evil allowed by God to those who ignore their man made doctrines…And man,usually ether likes politics and this world,or he gravitates to a religious camp,or vice versa…Many resists both,but are sometimes affected by their laws,rules or doctrines,complaying,but ignoring their way of life…


Since we live in dual and bipolar world, meaning, spiritual and physical, and bipolar with east-west and north-south opposing poles, we should always remember the fact, that freemasons or politicians( mostly freemasons, too) do their things twice, in our dual world, as we shall see from further records.


The Giza pyramid complex was also a ‘Zero Meridian’,dividing the landmass of Earth on 4 equal parts,just as the Inca Empire was called on the opposite side of the world, as ‘Tawantinsuyu-the Four Regions or Cardinal points of directions’…( With the symbol of T-tav we will deal yet,as with the ancient name of Egypt,’Tav-meri’).  Giza complex also divided the languages this way:  West of Giza,from left to right, and East of Giza,right to left, writing and reading, until present time.So is written the Bible,in ancient Hebrew and ancient,coin Greek,both languages also famous for its gematria number values of each letter in their alphabets, with the Arabic alphabet created on the same gematria number values of its letters as well.  Amazingly,if we take into the account that the Serpent cultures of Mesoamerica were writing in columns of two symbols from top to bottom,and calendrical numbers from bottom up, including the ancient Kana alphabet of Japan, we can see a CROSS pattern in the ancient languages,as the most ancient and sacred symbol of all!  Without any doubts,the CROSS symbol came from the ancient astronomical constellation of the Northern CROSS, also known as the Swan(Cygni constell.)in some parts of the Far East,also known as the Bow constellation for archers-gods seen in Sumer and Persia with stretched bow…




In the Cygnus constellation is located the ancient,female,yonic stargate known in ancient terminology as ‘Yama’(hole),and in more modern terminology as Cygnus X1-the Swan!(Schwan in German,and Sven in the Viking languages of Scandinavia, Leda in Greek,and Lada,or Lebed in Russian,most of whom are the descendants of Vikings,thru the Viking Varyags,a mixed race with the Slavic Russians. In Western Slavic languages,the Swan is known as Labut’,in Czech,Slovak,Polish,etc. Because Slavic languages are heavily present in the ancient astronomies,many western scholars do not know about it.


In Orion, the Belt of Orion is located the male,ityphallic stargate,the entrance to the Milky Way,and the

galactic anti-center. Until recently,the world knew only that the 3 pyramids of Gizeh, were an earthly copy of the ityphallic 3 stars of the Belt of Orion,Al Nilam,Al Nitak and Mintaka…With the satellite “queen” pyramids, there is total 9 pyramids,number associated with the Swan constellation/Northern Cross,and the Valley temple and Mortuary temple, plus the Duat region of the Dead and Underworld, it is clear that the 3 main pyramids of Gizeh, are also an earthly copy of the 3 stars in the Swan body and wings,or the Northern Cross arm/cross beam stars,Rukh,Sadr and Gienah,as a duall stargate symbol, that of male and female stargates in the Belt of Orion and the Swan/Cross constellation! With this ancient “secret” deal excellent book of Andrew Collins-The Cygnus Key,August 2018, I just fill up his book “secret revelation” of the ancient world, that the entrance into the Milky Way is in Orion,where the souls of the pharaohs were released by their ancient funerary customs, proceeding toward the galactic double-centre,the “cosmic Womb” where the souls reaching this part,are puriefied(cleared of memories from past life) and in appointed time,according the karmic laws,exiting the heavenly goddess, trough her female,yonic stargate,the Swan black hole which is also a wormhole and white tunnel,to another life-cycle on Earth…The path of the souls,Andrew Collins never exactly figured out, depicta the angle-slope of the Way of dead in Teotihuacan,15*28’ arc degrees east of true north,an angle slope of all “holy ways and paths” or “processional ways”  as is seen not only in Way of Dead,but also in the angle-slope of Bethlehem-Jerusalem, or even in the modern,masonic ley of White House-Pentagon! Not to mention the famous Stonehenge Avenue with its Arrow symbol! This path of the souls is the most biggest “secret” of the ancient world astronomy and of modern freemasons and religions(they are lodges as well and as a fact)! If there wasn’t any truth to this,why would the ancient world left us the same message on a global level,and the same angle-slopes,with only different symbols?? From where arrived the teachings of rebirth-resurrection and incarnation??? From the same ancient and common source and astronomy! In the ancient world were known ‘astronomers-priests’, and today,with the separation of the church and state,ancient astronomy teachings were withdrawn by the freemasons and made their “secrets”,meanwhile the highest ‘priests’ keeps it also as their religious “secret” and low ranking priests teaching only man made doctrines and “myths” of heaven and paradise/eden somwhere in our big and unknown universe…However,the ancients located for us these galactic,rather than universe places,easily identified by those who study the ancient archeo-astronomies!


‘As above,so below’was well kept by the ancient architects,too. What they saw above,and around the “cosmic river”,Milky Way,they also built on the earth,around a large rivers in a large cultures. Around Ganga Ma(Ganges),Nile(Hapi),Yellow river,or Yang-tze(Blue)river, up to Usumacinta(5 Mother-bears) river of Yucatan,or Vilcanotta/Urubamba ‘Snake’ river of Incas and Mississippi river…The same way were used the large rivers of Europe,Volga,Danube,Rhein,Seine and the Thames rivers…


To make long story much shorter, Milky Way(Meri-yam in ancient Egypt) was symbolised by the female goddess,Nut(her body filled with usual 117 stars) or sometimes Ha-thor or Isis…In ancient Mesoamerica was Milky Way seen as female Serpent-Dragon and Caiman…By the Incas,Milky Way was the white Lama…The most important part of the Milky Way is the Mesopotamia=confluence  of the biblical Pishon and Gihon river-legs(Genesis,chapter 2:8-14),also known as the Eden/Paradise.



Heaven,where the “good and righteous believers in Christ goes after the death(souls)”…Some saw it also as the Valleys of Kings and Queens,or Emperors and Empresses-a grottoes of rebirth and resurrection,or of an old bones-Hinnon or Jehoshapat in the bible…A place where is located the Black hole,’Yama’ (Hole in Slavic languages)which was also known as the god or goddess of the Dead…


And there are at least a dozen known,Earhly copies of this region in Milky Way,the most famous is Mesopotamia in todays’s Irak,between the Tigris (Leonine) and Euphrates(Draco) rivers, where was located the ancient Babylon,on the 33rd latitude. Same scholars claim that “Babili” was known as the God’s stargate…However,  ‘Babi lono’ means in Czech,Slovak and Polish, Female lap! And a such female lap,or grotto or crotch is described in Genesis 2:8-14 as a place where all GOLD is…True fact,for all a such earthly copies have a legend or myth with a gold! The gold is definitely located in the Black hole,as we can conclude with certainty in many examples which will follow…For now, I just mention the Sinai peninsula with its ‘Golden Calf’ story under the soli-lunar twin peak of God,where allegedly,Moses(Tuth-mose?) received his two sets of tablets with laws…In the conflunce of Ganga Ma and Yamuna rivers in India,is located the ,golden city’ of Shiva…Or the Inca’s ‘golden Coricancha’ being located in the confluence of the rivers of Huatamay and Tullumayo…




Is the Ama=Motherly,ruca=rich, continent and coast with a such rich coastal areas and country as Costa Rica+Rich Coast, or even Puerto Rico+Rich Port… America is a female body like shaped continent, and the Land of the Feathered Serpent(Wikipedia). It symbolizes the Milky Way-female Dragon-Serpent, and NOT China,as the freemasons use it as camouflage and deception from the truth! The deceptive “Statue of Liberty” is loaded with galactic measures and standing on 11 tipped star(symbol of our sun of 11 year cycles)holding the torch of Apocalypse with the Tablet of Galactic Laws,in its 2nd and masonic dual meaning! America is the land of female freedoms as the Scarlet Harlot, but also,with the largest Statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro(January river,a month of new year),it is an Old Lady with adult grown Son,before another Crucifixion! Continent in the Western hemisphere,associated with the God’s  Earth Judgement in the river of Eridanus of 84 stars in ancient symbolism, and Apocalypses…A number we’ll yet encounter…


According the famous Lid of Pakal(Janaab) in Palenque(formerly Naga or, NaChan city=royal cobra),the solar King of the Maya serpent people of the Naguatl (naga-cobra) languages group, on the Lid of his funeral chamber is the cosmic ‘Tree/Cross’ of life and death(comparable to the Stela 43 in Gobekli Tepe or T-shaped funerary silk on the coffin of Lady Tav=Tao of Ma-wang-dui of China, is an important relief and DATE of the last Apocalypse(Great Flood)at the end of the Young Drayas in Ama-ruca,in 9,745 BC,a very close date to Plato’s  ‘sinking of Atlantis’ in 9,600 BC…Tis date was used by the catholic masons on the modern basilica of Guadalupe in the Tripple Mount of God, in the Spanish sign-numbers of letters,and also,as we will see,in the 911 oficial database!


The bible itself is a record of one Great Year,its 2nd half from cca 10,860 BC from the Age of Leo,to  the Age of Aquarius in cca 5,793 A.M.=2033 AD…Depicted by the Great Sphinx with Aquarian head and Leo’s body! And the nearby 3 pyramids are 1st portion of the only Global Clock known to us,marking the start,or Zep Tepi  in ancient Egypt, in cca 12,000 years ago, with the 2nd half of the Global Clock in Teotihuacan,Mexico with its Tepeu Kukulkan(Tepcan) end of the Great Year in its 3 main pyramids,where the 5 tiered Moon pyramid is cutting off the Way of Dead, symbolizing the Black hole,Swan! In our Dual world,it symbolise the Dual event at the end and start of the Great Year, ascension and descend of the human souls…In the “Citadela”,around the Kukulkan’s pyramid is another 12-ve small pyramid mounds,making it 13 in total,as we will see,why…The Sun pyramid is 4 tiered and the Moon pyramid,5 tiered…Those who are familiar with Peter Tompkins book-Mysteries of



Mexican Pyramids, and works of Hugh Harleston in that complex of pyramids, it is undenyable proof that the entire complex is also a planetarium of our Solar system, and much more!


In ancient Mesoamerica,the Serepent cultures astronomers-priests, counted “13 layers of heavens” and 9 planets of the Underworld(our Solar system). The “13 layers of heavens” is masonic code and cover up for 13 houses of the zodiac,known in Mesoamerica, instead of the 12 houses known in the rest of the ancient world. The 13th house is the Black hole,Yama-Swan(CygnusX1)… In Mesoamerica was also deeply admired and worshipped the “Heart of Heavens” of Orion, with its famous Belt of Orion,also known as Min and sometimes as Tav, because it resembles with the Trapezium=M42/43 double nebulae a letter T-tav, a constellation dominating winter skies,meanwhile the Scorpio constellation dominatesthe summer skies.  The Sting star of Scorpio,Al Shaula is pointing at the Galactic center(Womb) and is the source of biblical Shaul,whe became the source of the name of the desciple Paul, who was at the beginning of his life path ‘stinging’ Christians(letting to stone to death early Christian,Steven), and only on his road to Damascus was enlightened by Christ,turning his life into the most important desciple and lawyer of Christ,in the New Testament…And Peter,the “rock”was allegedly “crucified upside down” as one of the catholic legends tells us…In catholic calendars with First names in each day of the solar year,on 29th of June,Peter&Paul are placed…And also,if a catholic church or basilica has two towers,one belongs to Peter and the other to Paul…What is less known,is the fact,that the basilica of St.Peter in Vatican is based on octagonal foundations,and the cathedral of St.Paul in London,is with octagonal roof,because number 8 symbolised in the ancient Egypt the galactic double centre as the Womb,where human souls of the righteouss departs for Purgatory and rebirth-resurrection,meanwhile,the number 8 is also assciated with Christ,who was resurrected! Many world cathedrals,temples,basilicas and even mosques or dagobas and pagodas, are octagonal! See the St.Basil’s ‘Onion’ Cathedral of Moscow,Russia,surrounded by other 8 spiraling around onion cathedrals with number patterns as 9×8=72,or 8×8=64,etc…In this complex of ityphallic towers is 9 towers and within them is 11 chapels,911 in Russian freemasonry…In the “Forbidden Purple City” of Beijing(Gugong or Kukong)is the golden river dividing it on the two parts.In one part is 9 pagodas and in the other 11royal palaces,911 China way of masonry…The modern basilica of Guadalupe has 9 chambers on the lower floor,and additional 2 on the upper floor,Mexican way of 911…Just few of several known places of our Dual and bipolar world…It is a number associated with the start of the new year in the Hebrew lunar calendar…For example,in Britain is the police emergency number,999, and in the US,911…The difference between both is 88,purely associated nuber with birth of sun and Christ(Sun&Son)…Britain is the “father” to the US,but also,they are biblical “brothers”,Manasseh(UK)and Ephraim(US),both as the Atlantic Allies and Anglo-American…


After the Apocalypse of  Ama-ruca, there was a huge Exodus of the survivors,to South America, where the Kechua Incas are related to the Quiche Maya,not only linguistically…But their lunar,Matriarchal religion changed to Solar,Patriarchal,even if the mothers and females were still strongly revered.The Incas(reverse of the Acni-Fire of Sun god in India) and name game of Cain-Inca-Acni, these ‘sons of the sun’ settled in the grotto of the Ama-mother,America,and impregnated her with the largest solar and golden culture in history of our civilisation! It started around the sacred Lake of Titicaca,an eqivalent of the Tibetan sacred Swan Lake-Yamdrok Lake(note Yam),also known in the Chinese language as Yamzho Yumco,resembling from low flying satellites a true Dragon! Lama was Milky Way in the Inca Empire,and in Tibet,they had Lama priestswith Yama-god of the Dead on their aprons,with “fiery eyebrows”also known to the “Olmec-Jaguar” people of Mesoamerica,the predecessors of the Maya! Of course,there is also the famous Yama-god cave in Adjanta,India with “fiery eybrows”, including the “one who comes with eyes on fire” in the biblical book of Apocalypse(revelation of John)…It suggest that the frequent masonic symbol of the “EYE” in the triangle,must be also on fire,causing the apocalypse by fire,brimstones and Wormwood at the end of the Great Year,with the “global warming”-increasing to that Kali-yuga age of Fire…Even the Pyramid complex at Giza was known as ‘Kal Purush’= Purifier by Fire…A such “baptisms” are also known in the bible-by water and fire…So are the two temples known in the Pakal’s complex of Palenque, nearby the “Temple of Inscriptions”(Temple of the Dead and Resurrection of sun-god Pakal,the solar king),The Temle of Cross(Watery Cross) and the Temple of the “Foliated Cross”(Fiery Cross)! Of course another masonic deceptive names were used to hide our human history before and after the apocalypses of Flood and Fire…When Abel was killed by his brother Cain,Abel was replaced by Seth, golden agewas replaced by satan’s current age,known in India as Sata-yuga,also known as Kali-yuga and Iron-age,where iron dominates as metal.Those who knows Spanish,knows what means Caliente and California…In Slavic languages,’ kalit’ means to forge metal by fire!

In ancient Greece knew the Golden,Silver,Bronze,Iron and brief,Clay Ages of Potter,the Creator(Pot/Jar is symbol of Aquarian Age)described in Jeremiah,chapters 18 and 19,remaking an old world on his Potter’s Wheel(zodiac) into a new one…In ancient Egypt,Pottes was written by the letters: y.s.r.,and it became known as YoSeR and ZoSeR,plus DjoSeR,whose 5 stepped pyramid was built as the first one!Unfinished,Sechemchet’s pyramid of 132 chambers as 2nd one, and the number 132 is Pakal’s name value in Heb.gematria,and when Pakal died,his son,Chan Bahlum,declared 132 days Maya mourning days,multiplied by 24 hours to a day,it is 3168 hours,what is not only the galactic “harmonic number”,but also the Greek gematria value of Kyrios Iesous Christos of 800+888+1480= 3168,as Lord  Jesus Christ,who was born on Winter solstice sunrise,December 25th!(John the Baptist is 6 months older,therefore,the Summer solstice sunrise, a swimming and baptising season in the Jordan river)…And Beth-lehem,Christ alleged birthplaceis located(His stall/cave with 14 tipped silver star-marker) on the 31.68* latitude north,not by an accident! And this latitude is also as 32.08* latitude,since one arc degree has 60 arc minutes! This numbers we will meet once again in the next pages…More knowleadgeable scholars knows that Beth is 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet,and LHM symbolises the Pytagorean formula of right angle triangle-squares amounts on a+b sides=equal to the third one,c side,as 9+16=25,or a2+b2=c2,therefore as 2nd,solar and male,ityphallic stargate of Min(tav)…Since the modern jews are Matriarchal society admiring the Mother and the female,lunar,yonic stargate as “Aleph-lhm”,known as Alhim(Woman),which is the 1st, stargate,the Black  hole,symbolised by their Synagogue,which is the Greek name,but in Hebrew,it is Minha,the minge…


***And this is the misunderstood “conflict” explanation between the Jews and Christians: Into the “Onion” towered, ityphallic churches, goes mostly religious women,worshipping the male gods,Father and Son…This solar,male based Christian religion is dominating the cold regions of the globe, meanwhile the lunar,female based Judaism (and Islam)is a cool religion in hot climate of our globe…

Visiting synagogue are mostly religious jewish males, who denies all male Gods,worshipping everything Motherly,foremostly their descendancy and family chronologies after mother!***


Even the bible is beginning with plural,Elohim,and the Yahwist writer starts in Genesis 2:4 with Tetra grammaton, IHVH. The Iah means male part and Havah-the female part of the Creator. (Biblical Eve comes from Havah or Chavah-to twist,to coil in Hebrew). It is similar to the Taoist Ying&Yang,or the Mayan Hunab Ku(5+2 letters)male part and Creator of Measures,and the Bolon Yokte Ku-9 stars yoked female Ku part,the biblical Yoktan,relative of the ityphallic Peleg,when the earth was divided in the Genesis story…Plus the egyptian ANKH symbol with the Oval-feminine sitting on the T-tav phallic symbol…Or the Magen David,two overlaping triangles-male and female grottoes in the procreation “union of 69”,seen on the Israeli flag between two blue stripes symbolising the two river-legs of Genesis 2:8-14,Pishon and Gihon…The Israeli flag is in reality, copy of the galactic Mesopotamia=Dark Rift/Cleft=Eden and Paradise,or Heaven,in the moment of Creation.the Golden Age and Procreation climax…Similar meaning has the Two Headed Eagle or Two Lions,back to back.

In India,we can see in their temples, the lingam(phallus) sitting on the yonic(vulva)pedestal…And they have a religious  holidays,when the stone phallus is buttered by women and carried out and dipped se veral times into the local “Swan” like lake or pond…The Shinto religion of Japan, has a great holiday of the male phalluses(penises) carved out from vegetables,wood and plasts…Not to mention the phallic stones around the globe,as a local idol statues or menhirs…The bible mentions the male poles as idols, with the Temple of Dogon and Temple of Ishtar…The 3 pyramids of Gizeh are away from the Nile Delta(grotto) as falus in decline, after the “birth” of a child and new age…The Minkaure,reddish pyramid has the angle-slope of 43.50* arc degrees,in Hebrew gematria as DG.N,Dogon and Dagon,the “ dickhead”…Similar name is hidden in the golden age-temple of Shwedagon,Burma,built on a base of Dagon village, as Shiva’s dagon!117 meters tall ityphallic temple,loaded with astronomical symbols and datas/numbers! And Shiva means not only ordinary number Seven,but also lingam…From the ordinary number of Seven(7) marker of the new cycle and beginning in the East(of Milky Way,too)belongs also Siwa(oasis in the Sahara desert,birthplace claimed by the Dogons of Mali),Shiva,Sheba and Shebah from Habesh,Saba,Sava and Chiba or Xiba of Xibalba of Mayas,and so on…Note the Seven buildings of the former WTC centre in New York,or the Seven thorned crown on the Statue of Liberty, as the Milky Way goddess and queen of heavens,and yet,in her dual or even tripple meaning,also the Scarlet Harlot visited by all the “kings” of the Earth as a “whore slaves or vassals” of the United States( I sometimes call as “United Snakes”)…Therefore,one should remember the biblical god of the (phallic)Phillistines,known as Dagon…The book of Amos 7:9 places the origin of the “Phallustinians” to Caphtor=Crete,of the Minoan,ityphallic culture! According to this record,the Phillistines were of Cretan origin,and in Palestine was their 1st capital city Sechem, which meant not only “sword”,but also the “place of local law(executed by the power of sword)” , nowadays know as Nabulus…Nab or Neb was called in the ancient times also the Great Sphinx,perhaps,from the name of the Tail star,Judgemnt star of the Swan constellation,DeNeb, the marker of the Black hole,Yama! (Name given to modern Yemen, and al Yamanyiah,southeast corner,the starting point of the Tavajj,or Tawaff circumbulation,around the CUBE in Mecca,7 times counterclockwise)…


Yama,or the Black hole,is the Mayan 13th house of the zodiac, matched in the Hebrew bible by the 7th in row child of Jacob,daugter Dinah=Judgement,besides of the 12-ve sons=houses of the zodiac,as the 13th child and house of zodiac,the marker of the Great Year,when housing and “crucifying” our potent sun,during the Galactic alignment,culminating in 2033…Jacob,being not only Israel,but also Santiago in Spanish,is encoded in Santiago de Campostella, Santiago being Jacob,Campo=Camp,circle of Stella=stars,clearly the zodiac, and de,being of or from…


The origins of the modern jews


After the apocalypse of America in cca 9,745 BC, and mainly Mesoamerica, one portion of the Mesoamerican Serpent culture people migrated to the South America, in several waves…We know that the Mochi and Chimu cultures in the coastal areas of Peru and Chile,were Matriarchal societies with lunar calendar, earlier in that area as the later solar Incas,’Sons of the Sun’… “Chi” is generally known as “female cosmic force”,and we’ll encounter it n Chichen Itza or even in China names…

This date of 9,745 with dual meaning, we can see in the famous burial chamber as the cover up of the stairways to the Pakal’s chamber, siply,the “Lid” of Pakal… On that Lid is a relief of a “cosmic tree” as a Cross with the queen of heaven underneath,(Milky Way) in a skirt(!) with Scorpio on her chest,comparable relief to Stela 43 in Gobekli Tepe, southeast Turkey, and the T-shaped funerary silk of Lady Tao=Tav of Mawangdui,China, neither Pakal,nor Daniken’s “astronaut”…Yam Cox by some scholars,more accurate and correct, because it deals with the Yama-Black hole, as the portal of the dead! From her(Milky Way), Womb is rising up, the “cosmic tree of life and death” with the vulture bird atop(perhaps,the Muan owl), with 9 “i” shaped “candles” looking like reliefs on the snake crossing all 3 bars of the Cross, with 2 additional below the crossbar…Indicating that only the 9 “i-candles” counts in the bars crossing body of snake,the ancient symbol of time…(Seen also on the Aztec Tonatiuh stone-calendar with male&female snakes,and on the outer part of the edge is total of 117 “dots” which symbolised stars in Mesoamerican Serpent cultures! Number 117 we will encounter many times in this writings).

The cosmic tree in a shape of a Cross, ends on the left bar or branch as Septagon(7), atop as a Square(4) and on the right branch or bar,as Pentagon(5), pointing at the date of 9,745BC time of the Great Flood and destruction of Atlantis, the Mesoamerican “Aztlan”-homeland of the Aztec legend with 7 caves and 22 steps leading of of the 7 caved Womb of a “whale” as the “scaled” tail of as large fish indicate…Yet,I clearly see it as the galactic Womb with 22 foot step marks in and out of the 7 chambered Womb with the Fibonacci number of 144,well known number in the Mesoamerican calendars,also as a formula seen in Hugh Harleston’s  “STU”(Standard Teotihuacan Unit) of Hunab, as

22/7 for the Pythagorean pi of 3.14…(No one scholar ever seen it, nor mentioned it)!


And the dual meaning as 745BC or 745 AUC is a date related to the later Maya activity and perhaps,death of Janaab Pakal,the solar king of Naga/Palenque,then,capitol city of the Maya…Later to this,but I must mention this date encoded into the modern basilica of Guadalupe,its Tripple hill with this Spanish sign: (Imaculate) Bendita Seas Madre de el Hio de Dios y Madre Nuestra=Immaculate Bended Sea Mother of the Son of God and Our Mother, with(9)+7+4+5 letters from left to the right and backwardly, 7+5+4… And 9x7x4x5=1260, a number seen not only on the Maya stairways of Chilam Balam prophet,but also in the biblical books of Daniel and Apocalypse of John,as time(360)+two times(720)=half time(180)=1260 days of the chaos of antichrist,as 42 months x 30 days,or 3,5 years…The number 42 (stars) is seen on the famous Codex Mendoza,in the central column of the Galactic ‘Trinity’ alignment of galactic anticenter(T-tav) of Belt of Orion with the Trapezium/Testicles nebulae as 11 stars,plus the 9+11 starred Jar/Pot-Womb, the true source of the Maya Vigessimal system based on number 20, plus our potent Sun of 11 stars for its 11 year sunspot cycles=42 stars in total…(The galactic Womb in ancient Egypt was symbolised by horizontally written oo number 8, and in Mesoamerica,as number 20, copied by the modern masons by a such “economic” power houses as G8 and G20,the first for Eurasia and the 2nd for America…Sometimes only as G7(without Russia),symbolising a new Great Year cycle,with “Resurrection” to come later in that cycle,when the G8-Wombs releases it reborn/Resurrected souls…


Since the bible itself is a Great Year record,from the Flood to the Apocalypse of John(by fire),and the Pentateuch-5 books of Moses symbolise a birth of a New Ager from the Age of Leo to Aquarius,the 2nd half of the Great Year,it appears to be also a record of the birth of a new civilisation with some survivors from the old one,plus the descend of human souls to multiplying people of new Beginning,or Zep Tepi of the ancient Egypt,what the Pentateuch or Pentagon and Pentagram with Quinqunx symbolise,is the galactic vagina and Womb birthing a new cycle of purified Earth and human souls…


Since the Library of Aleandria was destroyed,and the Vatican Archives are sealed off from any scholarly research,our prehistory research is limited with some hints here and there, with some important clues, confirming that I am on the right path…


Till this day, biblical archeologists tries to convince us about the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt to Palestine…But there was an Exodus of the Serpent people to then egyptian Palestine of two groups of people,or two waves,including the Arabian peninsula and desert regions. It is well known,that Noah had 3 sons,ShemHam and Japhet…And I suggest for the following reasons,that Shem represents the Native American people, Ham is the people of Africa,and Japhet,that of Eurasia…In the Native American and Semitic(!) languages, Can or Kan and Chan means ‘serpent’…We know that the Hebrew group means ‘Crossers’(of the ocean),in ancient Egyptian records described as “h.p.r. and p.r.m.”,as nomads of the deserts of Arabia,who “ were offering themselves to slave conditions” to local and powerful nations like Akkad,Asyria,Persia and so on… A large group came to be known as Canaanites,the Serpent people,often in apparent conflict with the Hebrews…But the prime focus of most  of the conflicts as recorded by the bible,are the Phillistines. Placed by Amos 9:7, placed to Caphtor, which was Crete with its famous Minoan culture. Min was the ityphallic god of ancient Egypt with gematria name value of 100, important number in lunar calendar cycles. Of course,Crete was associated with its small “golden age” of enlightenment,Krita-yuga.Therefore,one can assume that the name of the Phillistines had sometinh to do with the Egyptian phallic stargate Min,and the Phillistines could be also identified as “Phallustines”…Furthermore,their god Dagon,of the books of Samuel,is associated with phallus, DG. N  in regard if the Menkaure(Minkaure?) pyramid with its angle-slope of 43.50*,in gematria vale,DG.N !Which is 2630’ arc minutes,indicating the date of pyramid building in 2630 BC…Dagon temple in Beth-dagonJoshua 19:27 and in Gaza,see Judges 16:23-destroyed by Samson…Scholars claim it as “fish-god”,an acronym for male phallus…(Ishtar temple of prostitution ,an ancient Babylonian goddess of sex,war and political power,also a Sumero-Semitic goddess of sex and fertility and queen of heaven,hence,Milky Way).


In the Eastern mediterranean East shores,the Canaanites-Serpent people were also nicknamed as Phoenicians, who rose up from their own ashes(after the apocalypse),as their own mythical bird, Phoenix! The Hebrews,which was most likely,the ruling “elite” and priests-astronomers, later took another nickname, as Israelites(Is-Ra-el, Is meaning reborn/virgin,Ra-sun, and el as the,or god)…With hint of “enlightened” people,or “elite”…Ar being opposite to Ra,the Arabs,seems to be their opposite,living still in darkness…


Interestlingly,they both brought with themselves the symbol of CUBE, the semitic,later known Arabs(Canaanites) in the form of Ka’aba  in Mecca,an astronomical symbol of Earth and New Jerusalem(Heaven),.described in Apocalypse of John/Revelation 21:16&17 as a cube…It came from  Yucatan,Kabah,Coba and other Maya cities with cubical temples. Cab or Kab means in Mesoamerica Earth,Gold and Cube(Quiche Maya language). Withe the Ka,ba temple in Mecca,associated with astronomy and cycles like the Great Year,will be dealt in  following chapters. The modern jews,claiming to be the descendants of the Hebrews,down to Shem,a Noah son, have their cubical Philactery, where the prefix,”phila” is associated with the Womb, and for example,the Codex Zouche-Nuttal,page 36, reveals the Milky Way as the cosmic Dragon/Caiman with two cubical Jars/Pots-vessels filled with floating or swimmnig across human heads-symbols of souls…In front of the open jaws of the Caiman(Dark Rift symbol) stands 4 men,symbol of 4 major human races. A “Red man” is swallowed, and Yellow man is seen being  born in the following,”golden age”,because this yellow color dominates that event and page 36! Indicating that the Yellow race  will rule in the forthcoming,’Golden Age’ of Christ…I is worth to mention this fact, that who is in the East is most populous(Yellow men)and in the West,lowest in numbbers(Red men). The most developed are those in the North,and less developed,in the South…Those in the Middle, are mixture of all,against everybody,and everybody against them,the Arabs,descendants of the Canaanites,where Can is the Serpent(Milky Way) and an-heaven and na-underheaven,our world…Progressing to the name of Chi-na,female cosmic forces in na-our world…Or Chichen Itza, Chi-female force, Chen-well(symbol of Black hole) and Itza-virgin,newborn…


The Serpent people of the Mesoamerican Serpent cultures are well identifiable by their semitic,  “ bended noses”, as the Maya reliefs often points out this fact,too. One can just wonder,what was the “mark” of Cain who went to the land of Nod(gematria value 54)…


How was related the ancient Egypt with Mesoamerica,both as the “descendants” of Atlantis/Aztlan could help to clarify this biblical record,besides the Elephantine island records of the ancient Egyptians and the records of the Maya,including the Hebrew bible: Joseph who appeared in Egypt as “high priest or pha-ra-oh”(enlightened king) is in ancient symbolism is ‘Egypt’ as the eldest brother of the Twelve…Benjamin is the youngest of the Twelve brothers. Some biblical scholars have noticed that on-



ly these two brothers of the Twelve,have the same father and mother! Perhaps, the destroyed island culture of Atlantis,Plato described from Solon records,when alive,in 600 BC,that the island was destroyed 9,000 years earlier,thus the date of 9,745BC seems a true date on record! Here I must suggest that the current,Gregorian calendar was adopted to match not only the solar cycles,but also the ancient monuments and dates of ancient importance!


And the key information comes from the story of the Silver CUP between Joseph and Benjamin,as the symbol of the female Womb! Silver color is associated with the female,female forces and female stargate,plus Milky Way,sometimes replaced by blue,the color of the West… East is always Red,but the Gold or Yellow color symbolise the male stargate…Woman and Man…West and East, in our Dual and Bipolar world…Above all,I want to point out also the plight and name of the mislabelled “Olmecs”, who should be called as the ‘Jaguar people’(Jaguar symbolise not only our current sun full or the eruptive  sunspots) as Andrew Collins described in his book,The Cygnus Key very well,since the

“Olmec” people with their “fiery eyebrows or eyes” have died out and are in spiritual world, symboli sed not only by the jaguar,but also by the (white)owl(Muan), and vulture…In ancient Egypt it was a bird,sometimes hawk, sometimes falcon…


The “Olmecs” are dead,in the kindom of the dead of the queen of heaven,Yama(Black hole)in Meri-yam,Milky Way,becoming the Hebrew Miriam and then,biblical Mary,Mother of Gods and Mother of Christ,the Son, and Sun…In a such records, it is evident that the “Olmec” people,the predecessors of the Maya(see Izapa) should be called as the ‘Jaguar people, and their successors, the Maya,or as Serpent people,could be called as the ‘Benu Yamina’ people, thus the biblical Benjaminites! And the modern jews are their descendants without any doubt!


From the bible records, we can see that it were the Canaanites who established Jerusalem(Ezekiel 16:3), the modern jews claims as their “eternal capital” city…By this,they claim to be descendants of the Canaanites, and without any doubt,many jews must have the Cannanite blood and DNA…But when the US recognised Jerusalem as their capital city and moving its embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv,the next who did so,was Central American,Guatemala, with its mostly Maya population! They knew in Guatemala City that the modern jews are their ancient relatives trough both,the Hebrews and the Canaanites,both who originated in Ama-ruca,their Motherly rich continent of America! And there is many clues pointing to this ancient truth with many details,we will encounter yet.


We know that the Mesoamerican semitic languages group of Naguatl holds it name root at the Naga-serpent,as in ancient Egypt,associated with the “royal cobra”…Every Israeli state,modern president claims the title of highest “Nasi=serpent”, and the most beloved song of the jews is ‘Nagila-naga’…And in the Hebrew language,the prefix of Yeru/Ieru or Jeru is associated with the Dragon,and ‘shalim means dusk’, thus Jerusalem means both: ‘Dusk of the Dragon-Milky Way’ era,and also,Dragon’s peace… An earthly copy of the Black hole in Milky Way, where our potent sun is at the end and beginning of new Great Year “crucified and resurrected” as young lion(Is-Ra-el)in a dual event,with the biblical Christ,born at Winter solstice(December 25th) was “crucified and resurrected”…


Fairly said in the bible in Christ own words,calling the Pharisee and Saducce jews (forefathers of the modern Judaism based rather on the Babylonian Talmud than on the Old Testament), calling these jews as SERPENT PEOPLE,whose father was the devil,because of their corruption and wickedness and lack of faith! America in the Western hemisphere is astronomically associated with Milky Way-the Serepent-Dragon at the end of a great cycle,the Great Year,Anno Magnus. Before a such end,all Mankind is wicked,greedy and materialisticly corrupted,prefering good times to bad,drinking,having sex and dancing-partying…In a such era,the jews are very active and tasking the world over to “united”

One World order,polically and by their powers…Milky Way causes the more and more “extreme weather pattern” thru the galactic Trinity alignment,a energy beam making our sun as ‘Jaguar Sun,and this “photon beam”(or “Blue beam”) people more wise,clever and also wicked,greedy-until the apocalypse cleansing processes of Mother Earth from all human corruption…

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