Washington Monument     Washington,D.C.      1885            555 feet

Montauk Block                   Chicago                     1882            130 feet  (Demolished in 1902)

Tacoma Building                Chicago                      1889            165 feet  (Demolished in 1929)

Auditorium Building         Chicago                      1889            270 feet

Rand McNally Bldg.          Chicago                      1890            125 feet  (Demolished in 1911)


Monadnock Block               Chicago (North half) 1891            215 feet

Chicago (South half) 1893            215 feet

Reliance Building               Chicago                      1895            200 feet

Flatiron Building                New York City           1903            286 feet

Ingalls Building                  Cincinnati                   1903           210 feet

Woolworth Building           New York City           1913           792 feet

Chrysler Building               New York City          1930         1,046 feet [ Rejected Cornerstone]

Empire State Building        New York City          1931         1,250 feet

RCA Building                      New York City          1933            850 feet

Seagram Building               New York City          1958            525 feet  [ T-tav shaped/Orion ]

Brunswick Building            Chicago                     1965            475 feet

John Hancock Center         Chicago                     1968         1,127 feet [The Womb bldg.]

Trans-America Building     San Francisco          1972            853 feet [Pyramid shaped ]

WTC Twin Towers             New York City(WTC1)1973          1,368 feet(Demolished in 2001)

New York City(WTC2)1973         1,362 feet(Demolished in 2001)

Sears Tower                          Chicago                    1974         1,454 feet

John Hancock Tower           Boston                      1976            790 feet

Citycorp Center                   New York City         1977            919 feet

AT&T Headquarters           New York City         1984            647 feet



Amounts of floors,above and below the ground weren’t given,it took an individual search.The same with the heights in meters. There are also numerous comments on the plan to individual buildings on the same pages, 156-157 and comments in  white(on Blue “lodge” backround). The architects and firms are given. In this research is very important to take into notice the architect of the WTC Twin Towers, Minoru Yamasaki, whose name symbolise both stargates,that of phallic MIN and yonic YAMA! To fit the masonic dual symbolism is also the fact that in 70’s was demolished(!) his housing project in St.Louis,Missouri.And in 2001 were demolished(!) hisTwin Towers!. Minoru Yamasaki was son of a japanese immigrants to Seattle,where were made the outer columns on the Twin Towers. The inner steel beams were rolled out  in rolling steelmill in Bethlehem,Pennsylvania.


In Seattle is famous cosmic mandala, and it is also a symbolical place where ends the path of summer solstice,in Pacific NW. The Sting of Scorpio shaped 526 feet tall Space Needle above the Y-shaped Union Lake…Number 526 is tied to the WTC1 and its time of being attacked by the Flight AA11, as the oficial 9/11 Database (Al Kaida with gematria name value of 135) claim.

If we count only 22 buildings, the two sets of the Twin Towers as one and one, the Chrysler bldg. Is 11th building symbolising sun and Christ, as the “rejected cornerstone”, building of 77 floors,symbolizing the 77 generations from Adam to Christ – soaring into the heaven…RCA is 13th, the symbol of the meteorite shower from a Black hole, or fire with brimstones of the bible…Followed by the T-shaped Seagram building as a symbol of Orion(Nimrod=DoorMin)…

John Hancock Center, the Womb symbol is 16th, as the “Sistine chapel” of  Vat-i-Can, in all other languages, Sixteenth chapel ,as 7+9…Followed by the ityphallic, transgender pyramid of San Francisco, Trans-America Building.  We should remember that at the end of the Great Year cycle and its new start, there is increase of gay population, because of the forthcoming cosmic imbalance of energies and lack of harmony. We could see it in ancient Egypt by rise of Akhenaton whose statue points at gay man, and his religious “reforms”…Other such detail is the “Bend over” pyramid and the “Pink” or Red  pyramid beside…The Bend pyramid has the slope-angles of 54×42=2268,a number of the ancient Egyptian Paradise,and the Maya STU of galactic wavelenght as given by Hugh Harleston(Peter Tomkins-Mysteries of Mexican Pyramids)in his research.Did the ancients knew more than we do? HDE 226868 is a supergiant start slowly devoured by CygnusX1 Black hole in its binarysystem. Number 2268 was deeply ingraved by the ancient Inca astronomers with their selection of Vilcanotta(Urubamba)-Snake river,mostly in level of 2268 meters above the sea level.The Hindoos were persuaded that their Ganga Ma,an Earthly copy of Milky Way was 2268 km long river…The Maya STU (Standard Teotihuacan Unit) galactic wave length of 2268 “Hunabs” is still involved in my research, as a third measure of global importance beside the Imeperial measures units,the mile, yard and foot.[Cheops may have exactly 2,268,000 cube-stones].


The ityphallic Washington (obelisk)Monument is the tallest load bearing masonry structure in the world loaded with astronomical dates, with its height equal to 13 floors building, associated with the 13th house of zodiac, the Black hole. The obelisk was also used at the solstices and equinoxes to measure the angle-slopes and lenghts of the shadows at these noon days, to check out many astronomical datas in regard of our orbits around the sun,and sun datas as well.

The first 5 buildings,without the Washington Monument,has a total of 52 floors above the ground,and 2 below.

The 13(or 15) following buildings have 870  floors in total,from it, 135  underground.

The last 4 buildings have 266 floors, with 2 underground floors.

The numbers are clear, with total of 1188 floors in a total,as there is 1188 chapters in the Protestant bibles, KJV version foremostly.  135 is another number of end time of the Great Year,as we will see. For example the Great Solar Yea rof 25,920 years-135=25,785 as 5,785A.M.=2025AD, the starting date of 7 years of Trials and Tribulations, a date encoded in the Qur’ans Abjad=Initial codes.135 is the Al Kaida(Database)gematria number value,and number seen in the Euro currency of the EU. By this number ended the space-shuttle flights by NASA. Or,the years difference between the captivity of Northern Kingdom of Israel(Samaria)to Babylon,and Southern Kingdom of  Israel,Juda tribe:721BC and 586BC…It is a number of stars in Codex Mendoza,for the Nine constellations…A true ‘end time’number,as the evidence unfolds.


The first 5 buildings height in feet is 1,245 feet; and,of the 15 following buildings is 10,744 feet; plus the last 4 buildings is 3,810 feet, all in summary of 15,829 feet.  In meters,the summary is 4,824 meters…

The skyscrapers were built between 1882 and 1984, 102 years…In the 20th century, for 84 years.


However,the pattern of 5+4 buildings x 13 and 9×15 is evident match with the Codex Mendoza single stars of the Seven constellation with 117 single stars, and Nine constellations with 135 single stars, as 9×15…It also matches the pyamid complexes of Giza, 9 pyramids x Teotihuacan complex of 13 and 15 pyramids!

117+135=252, a number of the Pakal’s red burial chamber in Palenque, 7meters x 9 meters x 4 meters=252… A number seen in the bible as 2,520 years of “Israel’s punishment”or, rather, “banishment”of Ezekiel “prophecy”of “witheld birtright” and the so called “scattering and gathering” prophecy of “Seven Times” many scholars asign to the “birth of the United States” from 13 colonies in 1776, bringing us to 745 BC, or rather to 745 A.U.C.(Ab Urbe Condita) equal to our year of 9 BC when the sun king Pakal of Palenque/Naga city died, and in 7BC was re-born in Beth-lehem as Christ, on “Winter solstice”…Pakal’s name gematria value is 132,and when he had died, his son and successor to the throne declared 132 days of Maya mourning: 132×24=3168, the Greek gematria value of Lord Jesus Christ…To his Temple of “Inscriptions”(mislabeled,it is Temple of Dying and Resurrected Sun) lead 69 calendrically organised steps from top to bottom as (3824 year sun cycles of two large spot magnetic fields,equal to the 3,824 meters of last 4 skyscrapers height), plus the famous Lid of Pakal as 1 step,and 65 steps leading down to 84 feet under the floor of the Temple. Depicting not only 65 Bak’tuns in a Great Lunar Year,but total of 135 steps into the death of number 84. This Temple of Dead Sun  is 9 tiered with 5 stairways into it and 3 platforms around, as math code of  9x5x3=135! The last 65 steps are U-turning from West toward the East after the 45th step, from the West-place of death, toward the East as the place of rebirth/resurrection and reincarnation and new sunrise in the bible! So are built the basilicas, with entrances in the West and altars in the East, priest facing the West and representing God,and his religious sheeps facing him and the altar, toward the East, to be born again, and resurrected…


The 15 buildings of the calendar, starting by the Monadnock Twin Towers. Having 13 floors in total(Monad is Creator’s first ray of light,etc.), has total of 9,744 feet and and 6 buildings over 1,000 feet has 7,606 feet, with the difference number of 3168(feet) – Christ number of cosmic harmony in the cosmic canon, as the lunar Artemis goddess being Simetra in the Talmudic “abracadabra” of Giza languages divider, former Zero Meridian…


Montauk+Tacoma+Rand McNally buildings were demolished with summary of these years as 5,742, and 5,782A.M. being our year of 1982, when the galactic alignment of our potent sun started to turn it into a ‘Jaguar Sun’ with its 1* arc degree diameter, or about 60’ arc minutes as years, in full overlaping lasting up to 2040, as state Graham Hancock in his very good book, ‘Magicians of the GODS’, page 326. It agree with Peter Lemesurier bestseller,’The Great Pyramid Decoded’, chronolgy of dates, page 205, with the date of 2039 (Hancock’s date is 2040) when Christ incarnate in a physical man-the long awaited-Messianic return. The year 2033 or 2034(Zero year between 1BC & 1AD) as appearance in the sky of the sign of Messiah…This date is also confirmed in the 1611 KJV Precessional codes(!) bible published by the Cambridge Masonic University Press(female stargate), its 69+1 extra codes, in three parts, in summary of 2034 AD…Later “unsealed” by this book on the “Book of Reveleations” and other books…



The first 3 demolished buildings, plus WTC1 and WTC 2, in 2001,twice-as 4002 ,equals to summary date of 9,744 which is the same as 9,745 BC, if we count September to September, as 1,5 years and round up…The date of “demolition” of Atlantis/Aztlan, causing a huge ‘amnesia’ of the Native “Indian” Americans and Egyptians who started to build all civilisation anew…And 9x7x4x5=1,260 days of “time+two times+halftime”,the 42 months x 30 days, and 3,5 years. Of 2nd Coming of Christ of Son of Man,the Alpha and Omega, the First and Last, who hold the seven stars and with his eyes like fiery flame, a sharp two edged sword caming out his mouth-the one who lives ,once was dead but now lives forever and ever, holding the keys(!)to death and the netherworld…Apocalypse of John1:8-18…With same additional clues in the Stairways of prophet Chilam Balam Jaguar in Copan,Honduras…In astronomy,Orion’s Belt is the Sword also.


With numerous detail proofs, this 22, resp.24 buildings, from it, 23 skyscrapers,is a Maya-Hebrew calendar(s) with various freemasonic cabalistic code-patterns as 5+4=the Ennead of Nine,or as 5×4=20, the Maya vigessimal based system on number 20 (from 9+11, sun in Swan constellation, its Black hole-galactic alignment)and as 20+13=33 for 2033; and 20×13=260 as the Maya “Tzolkin” religious calendar, plus 9×13=117 and 9×15=135, seen stars on the Codex Mendoza of the Seven and Nine constellations lined up at the end and restart of Great Year! And there is no doubt in my research, that the ‘modern jews are the descendants of the Serpent people of Ama-ruca and Mesoamerica’ with hooked noses as their main, common trade “mark”, beside many other marks…Those Babylonian Talmud worshippers are the religious descendants of the Pharisee and Saduccee  jews of Jesus Time, who were for their sins dispersed from Palestine, their temple demolished and the jews scattered around the world by God, as the religious scholars declare in their doctrines.

They are claiming that modern Israel established in 1948, by the largest masonic temple-the UNO, was for fulfilling the “end time” prophecies like the unfruitful fig tree or, by “God’s Will”…Nothing can’t be far from the truth than this claim “of God’s Will”…I just advise the reader to visit You Tube records of “Transfer Agreement-How Hitler Armed Zionists to Conquer Palestine”…It was and it is pure zionist political plan which has nothing to do with God-rather more with the Devil , as the video-news truly confirms, and I agree with, after decades of studying those issues as well.  Most of the modern zionist preachers also known as “Christian Zionists” in the US does’t know this prophecy, that modern state of Israel follows the zionist plan of “Eretz Israel” from the Euphrates river (Dragon river) to the Nile river, their own copy of greater Mesopotamia, as is depicted on their zionist flag. The foundation of this cruel and violent state to the native people of Palestine. deeply rooted in their DNA from the Serpent people of Mesoamerica ,where death had greater value than life on this planet! The videos are evidently true, and I only add to the “kosher zionist preachers” this unknown prophecy of eternal “glory to their political Israel”, that in 2032 it will 84 years old Rothschild colony in Palestine on the stolen land ,and a money laundering colony which dreams of NWO, founded by Hitler’s money and Nazi “blessings” in full accordance with the ‘Transfer Agreement’. Commemorated by the Nacional Socialist coin with the “Haken Kreuz” on one side and the Magen David on the other, on the same coin of two sides! I just wonder why the German jews calls themselves as AshkeNazi jews…Perhaps,because after the WW2 claiming to be an “ash” after WW2 and remaing the only most li-ke-ly Nazis in this world, as the 2 million murdered Palestinians and 6 million chased away from Palestine by the Ash-ke-Nazi and zionist racist jews! With the number 84 following them around the world in their eternal wanderings…

Why so hard on the zionist jews? Because they constantly conspire wars, using others to fight their dirty wars in pursuation of their eternal dream to create “Eretz Is-Ra-El” and “Jew World Order”,as they more and more openly talk and admit that the “goyim” purpose on this planet is to serve the jews! Being of a country deeply affected by their bloody Judeobolshevism, I know of the millions of victims in jew ran gulags, losing some my own family members to their ‘Red Terrorism’…And after by them created ‘Red Terrorism’ came later a ‘Blue Terrorism’ of 9/11 and their dirty aggressive wars against Afghanistan and Irak, which had nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attacks, where were murdered millions of innocent people. And a such zionist “aces” as Madelleine Allbright, aka Marie Korbelova, born in Prague, not only approved the illegal bormbardment of former Yugoslavia which sheltered her in her youth years, but also expressed inhuman view ,that to “kill half million of Iraki children was worthy of it” during the illegal 2nd invasion of Irak by blessing of zionist Skull&Bones member, president G.Bush Jr.-a genuine war crimminal! Allbright’s compatriot, Prague jew, president Havel, of post-communist Czechoslovakia and Czech republic, publicly declared illegal bombardment of Yugoslavia as “humanitarian bombardment”…Perhaps,this alcoholic jew president was under the influence of alcohol, because a such words can say only an insane human being! And another observation of the jews in 50’s of the 20th century was the communist jew president Gottwald, sentencing other 11 jews plotting against him to death, later blamed on the “goyim” – non jewish, lesser leaders of communist Czechoslovakia!

We remember the 2 invasions of Irak,the ancient land of Mesopotamia, in 1991, under president G.H.W.Bush, Sr., as 41st president of Israel controlled United States, with war crimes on the “death road” from Kuwait to Irak’ And we remember the invasion of Irak in 2003 by G.Bush, Jr. as 43rd  president of the “United Snakes”.  But nobody noticed these two presidents as Father and Son” – Skull&Bones members, as the abassadors of death, being ‘united’ by the number 84 symbol of death! Perhaps, on a dual, freemasonic level, as devoted Tamudists, and 41st+43rd=presidents of death=84!  We all know that the 2nd invasion of 2003 was based on zionist lies of “WMD in Irak”, but nobody knows this freemasonic “secret”:

In 70’s there was a Black September terrorist group led by a certain Abu NIDAL – leader, who have hijacked 3 civilian US airliners, on September 12, to the Jordanian desert ,where the passengers were released, but the planes blown up a week later by the terrorists…None of them were ever imprisoned for a long time ,and so called Nina Chaleda, famous then female terrorist in this hijackers group was free to live her terrorist life…Perhaps,it was a Mossad operated terrorist group, until 1972, when in the Summer Olympic Games in Munich, West Germany, were murdered 11 Israeli athletes…Only after that, the Black September dissapeared slowly in a thin air…Many threads led to Israeli Mossad as their operational group…Making long story short , Abu is ‘Father and Leader’, and NIDAL=LADIN, in talmudic “abracadabra” and Bin is ‘Son and Leader’, that’s how we got suddenly Bin LADIN (=NIDAL) as another leader of a terrorist group which allegedly caused another ‘Black September’, that of 9/11, 2001 ! In fact, the true terrorists, Father And Son , were the Bush  crime family as stounch zionists, closely tied to the Mossad terror group in Israel, more and more turning into “Is-Ra-hell”(preferring nick “Iskra-hell”=Sparking hell in Slavic and English combination).

And lately,the zionists boldened by the US president Trump, heavy weight of the zionist lobby in the White House, was promoted to the role of Persian King Cyrus and “zionist Messiah”, who is illegaly giving away the “Stolen Heights”, East Jerusalem and ilegally occupied West Bank by the zionist thugs, is know courted by the zionist war mongers into an open military conflict with Iran! It will be again, based on zionist lies and megapropaganda aimed at the “goyim” world, to “legalise” another illegal war! When we know that Jesus told us that the “devil/satan is their father”, we also know that the father of all lies is satan! And the jews are his agents for the  blood of innocent ! Trump, the decades long “shabbaz goy”(non jewish servant to the jew on Sabbath forbidden day for the jew to do anything except “counting up stolen money and wealth” now a  holiday for jews to work-a slave or lackey). Trump had converted to “Chabad Lubavitcher” jewish “religious” group, opposing Christ, life and the Light and Truth, serving to Lucifer…Just tricking once again the American “goyim” in uniforms to fight another dirty war for the zionists and their “Greater Israhell”,with shipped body bags into the brain dead “goyim America” with the top ranking zionists hiding in the walls of politics and Pentagon-the vagina symbol, because the jews are bunch of pussies capable to “fight” only the unarmed  and rocks throwing  children of Palestine!

Yet the date is not yet here to attack Iran and perhaps, to start WW3/Armageddon final war, in accordance with the 33rd degree freemason, Albert Pike, who disclosed in his masonic book, ’Morals and Dogma’ ,the 3  world wars, planned and carried out by the ‘International jews’… WW3 appears to be planned around 2025CE, as the revealed records point out…


Returning back to the Skyscrapers calendars, here is another hidden date, around the Chrysler “masonic corner stone” building, with its two neighbors to the left and right. The Chrysler 77 flors building was finished in 1930, on Earth base-number of 792’ feet, symbolising the 7,922 miles of diameter of the Earth from North pole to the South pole(also bi-polar world).The Woolworth (cathedral) building  of 60  floors, perhaps has also dual meaning in its name, the “wooly white hair” of Christ in Apocalypse of John 1:14, but in the masonic, in ityphallic meaning it is also a moth symbol around the Agkor Vat (Anchored  Vat/Tav) complex, symbol of “pubic hair”, as the Chrysler building’s ”every inch a proud and soaring thing rising in sheer exultation” and hooded ornaments, no doubt in my mind! (Just like Mt.Everest as Eve’s rest place,Chu-mu-lang/lingam-ma of 8,848 meters+2016+10,864 years,as a half of the Great Year in 10,864 BC…In the records of Tibet and Nepal, our Great Year ended in 2016,being their year of 2074, and as 28 aeons of Brahma expired from the 72 aeons: 28 x72=2016,etc.) So,the Chrysler building opening year was in 1930, Woolworth’s in 1913,and the Empire State Building in “full erection” was finished in 1931, gives the “hidden” summary of 5,774 A.M.,as the year of 2013CE,the end of the Maya Lunar calendar of 13 Bak’tuns! The last fertile Katun(20 years) for the lunar and yonic grotto to 2033 “insemination with human souls” to E Pluribus Unum,the Maxibus of all, in one-galactic Womb! Adding the 20+13 together as one union date in one in 2033…

The freemasonic lodges doing thing twice in our Dual world, with one rock killing two birds, and even three or more! The reader has to have this in his mind when dealing with the freemasonic materials and articles, because this is their form of “secret” communication…

The AT&T building with the WHITE OWL above the entrance with freemasonic connection points at the Bohemian Grove satanic group and rituals with the highest global elite members of the world politics ,highest globalists,world megabanksters media moguls,expresidents and presidents,supreme courts judges and so on-in this Majestic 12 secret,satanic and occultic group,for whom is their highest god is “Scorching sun-god Zhehava”… Zhehava god is opposing pole to the biblical god Jehova,the God os positive(+) polarity,meanwhile Zhehava is the negative (-)pole god, feeding on the suffering human souls at the grisly death,a ritual where human negative energies are harvested, like fear,fright,pain,suffering,etc. The fate of the US Supreme Court judge,Antonio Scalia comes on mind, for he was allegedly sacrified in this type of  grisly ritual.The entire rituals is too grisly even to describe to the readers, living it to  them to search for the satanic occult rituals of spiritual-ethereal entities like Hereshav and Zhehava…Most of the normal people will dismiss it as “ conspiracy theory” with its unbelievable rituals leaked to the public by few higher members of the Bohemian Grove lodge with the white OWL, symbol of life after death! I just go after facts which are here and easily to prove, and I am a realist of our real world with existing material proofs,facts!



The Oficial 9/11 Database(Al Kaida) Released For Public Consumption


Most of the unsuspecting people, burdened by their tasks of daily lives and duties, never investigate the “news” (from a local jews) deeper…They just scoop them in a rush and let it go, absorbing only that what the media wants them, navigating them to their reality, even if disturbed “news” based on deliberate lies…

But when I saw the official Database shortly after 9/11 with its NUMBERS, I immediately noticed something suspicious, and worthy to look and deeply investigate…I was still at that time in my “voluntarly exile” in Seattle, WA, and since I had not believed to the Reagan-Bush eras of their governments just as I didn’t believe the communists of Czechoslovakia – I had left behind, I had realised that my “exile” place was wrongly chosen, and straight to the ‘Devil’s Belly’…As a Central European of the former ‘East European block’, I noticed right in the very first year of my exile in the US, a lot of lies and propaganda in that to outer world shut out country, where informations from abroad was difficult to obtain on the West Coast, thus I turned to my old hobby, to listening  Short Waves radio stations from around the globe…Being multilangual was a great benefit…The usual “International Press” newsagents with two-three weeks oudated official newspapers was noticeably filled with lies about life and politics behind the former “Iron Courtain”, because I had lived that system and I knew better…I started to search the alternative media outlets in era when the computer technologies were still in diapers…Being an Aquarian, with a such “master numbers” as 11,22 and 33, were perhaps behind my motivation to constantly read my entire life and absorbing a large amount of informations from around the globe, all sides of human life spectrums with extra love for fair human society, based on truth rather than lies, mammon and greed for money and power…My special interest had developed for “secrets” of our world, always trying to understand them and crack them…And this is the result of it….


The Numbers Given By 911 Database


Flight  AA 11   , starting at 7:58 a.m. from Boston to Los Angeles,     Boeing 767,  9 crew members

Flight UA175 ,  starting at 7:59 a.m. from Boston to Los Angeles,     Boeing 767, 11 crew members

Flight UA 93 ,   starting at 8:01 a.m. from Newark to S.Francisco,     Boeing 757,  7 crew members

Flight AA 77,    starting at 8:10 a.m. from Wash.,DC to Los Angeles,Boeing  757,  6 crew members
356                    32:08                 3+2 and 1+1                                  3048  crews 33 in all

356 days in Maya/Hebrew lunar year.

32:08 equals to 32*08’ latitude of Bethlehem, Christ birthplace, which is also 31*68’ equal to His Greek gematria name value of Lord Jesus Christ(800+888+1480) 3168. WTC1 was 1368’feet tall building. WTC2 was 1362’feet tall, 72” inches shorter, key Precessional number!

3+2 stands for the year 32+1+1,up to 2034 as Sign of a Man n the sky tied with 2nd Coming of Christ,the Savior. 1611KJV summary code date is 2034,so is The Great Pyramid Decoded, page 194.[ Tripple(3) mountain and Double (2)Cross of Slovakia].

3048 victims were announced at the first 3 days, then reduced to the current number of 3024 victims in total, in the planes and on the ground.



There  was  total of 33 crew members, including in each plane, 2 pilots(1 pilot+1 co-pilot), 33 for the year of Novus Ordo Seclorum in 2033 CE.

Each amount of crew members (attendants) without 2+2+2+2 pilots=25, for the year of 2025 of Trials and Tribulations with WW3/Armageddon, confirmed by the Qur’an’s Abjad-Initial codes trough Arabic alphabet gematria values.  This makes  9+7 and 4+5 crew members, and 9745 BC apocalypse date of Ama-ruca, also seen in the DEMOLISHED buildings date, besides on the Lid of Pakal’s funerary chamber…However, 9x7x4x5=1260 days as “Time+Two Times+Half Time” number of the books of Daniel and Apocalypse of John, apparently from the 1260 cube-stones of the 72 steps of the Stairway of Chilam Balaam (Jaguar Prophet) with 2033 hieroglyphs!  Both books of the bible  originate in Mesoamerica, without any doubts!

And 2+2+2+2=8,the number of the galactic Womb, plus the number of Resurrection and of Christ, plus new octave, new beginning! (G 8 masonic group). Furthermore,2x2x2x2=16, the 16th chapel of 7&9 galactic cycles, numbers incorporated, including the 5 and 4 as Pentagon and Square Ennead plus Pentateuch and 4 Gospels… Note,that the West Bank of the Nile river had the ancient Egyptians for mastaba funerary tombs, as NECROpolis(5) and the cities of living souls were on the East bank of the Nile river as  ACROpolis(4), creating their sacred Ennead of 9(Nine), but also as 5×4=20,the Maya Vigessimal system based on number 20, as 9+11 stars on the Jar/Pot of Codex Mendoza,with 11 stars inside the Jar?Pot/Bowl and Cup…

The Blue Lodge used the United Airlines (14 letters) and the American Airlines(16 letters), exactly as there is stars in the Aquarius constellation, 14 in his body, plus 16 in the river of ‘Eridanus’ outflowing from his Jar/Pot…Total of 30, as seen 30 dots/starts on the Lid of Pakal 10 times by 3 dots/stars together. Or,the 30 silver of Juda Iscariot paid to him for Christ betrayal, sign of Aquarius-the Aquarian Age and start of a New Great Year!(30 shekels ending on Potter’s Field, as there is also one, nearby the Demolished Twin Towers, see any local map of the Lower Manhattan). A 15th century of woodcut, an illustration from an edition of Hyginus’’Poeticon Astronomicon’ showing the constellation of Aquarius-with 14+16 stars! Some scholars talk of 84 stars in total in the Judgement river of Eridanus, but only 16 are usually used! Then, there is the 84 books in the bibles. But also the Belt of Orion culminate at the 84* arc degrees from the ecliptic…Cleopatra’s obelisk at Vatican St.Peter’s Square is 84’ feet tall with the foundation. In 2013 was Vatican 84 years old city-state. Israel will be 84 in 2032/33.

The North Tower(WTC 1) was attacked at 8:46 a.m. local Eastern Time, what was 526th minute of that ‘sacrificial’ Tuesday morning. Well known Maya Venus cycles-number by which they calibrated their calendars every 4 years. The ancient Egyptians used the Sirius cycles every 4 years. The Greeks,by the ancient Olympic Games every 4 years, and we add a ‘Leap Year’ every 4 years. WTC 1 was allegedly hit by Flight AA11,from 93rd to 99th floor= 7 floors.

The South Tower(WTC 2) was attacked by Flight UA 175 at 9:02 a.m.(542nd minute), 16 minutes later, and from 77th up to 83rd floor, 9 floors in all.

Flight AA 77 allegedly hit the Pentagon (built on September 11, 1945) at 9:37 a.m. (577th minute of Tuusday morning), 35 minutes later than WTC 2, and 51 minutes later than WTC 1.   AA 77 turned 270* arc degrees Westwardly, between the 5th and 4th stairways leading up to the Pentagon’s Heliport for choppers…

These numbers speak by clear language of the Blue Lodge of the West(mainly USA). 16X35=540* arc degrees of Pentagon, which is loaded with astronomical datas in its architecture and measures !  51 years is Maya lunar years of 18,720 days of the Tzolkin calendar. Stonehenge is on the 51st latitude. 18,980 days is 52 years cycle.




AA 11 had  81 passengers, including 5 “hijackers”… Regular passengers were 76.

UA 175 had 56 passengers, including 5 “hijackers”… Regular passengers were 51.

AA 77 had  58 passengers, including 5 “hijackers”… Regular passengers were 53.

UA 93 had  37 passengers, including 4 “hijackers”… Regular passengers were 33.

Number 81 stands for the Swan constellation which has 9 main stars! There were allegedly 20 original “hijackers”, but only 19 identified(15 of them allegedly Saudi nationals). If you look at the Magen David surrounded by the magnetoplasma clouds, there is 19, or 20 of them,because the last 2 are a pair…In Maya cycles well known numbers of cycles, soli-lunar…UA 93 is also associated number with the Aquarian Age, as revealed by theolog prof. Ethelbert Bullinger in his books, ‘Witness In the Stars and Number In Scriptures’. Everybody should read, both of them! Total of 232 people aboard…19 “hijackers”, a KEY number to Qur’an( with two meanings:  “Recitation” and the real one – “Mountain of Heaven”-ityphallic symbol)…It is also a “hick up/nodding” cycle of the Earth, every 19 years on its wobbling path around the zodiac as the Precessional path…Number 33 is evident.

9:58 a.m. is collapsing South Tower(WTC 2).  10:28 a.m. collapsed North Tower(WTC 1)= 20 hours and 26 minutes(20/26)…

AA11 is 47 minutes in air=2820 seconds;  UA 175 is 49 minutes airborne=2940 seconds. Both Flights are airborne for  96 minutes or, 5760 seconds.    AA 77 is 77 minutes in the air or, 4620 seconds; UA 93 is airborne for 81 minutes or, 4860 seconds.

WTC complex had  7 buildings,minus the Twin Towers=5 buildings; and,minus WTC 7=4 buildings left.  7-2=5;  7-3=4; And 4 new buildings built,plus 4 old standing of the “Seven Magnificent”= 8 .


Victims given officially much later:  AA11=92 victims;UA175=65 victims;Plus 2602 on the ground.

AA77=64 victims; Plus  125 on the ground;  UA93=44 victims (Zero on the ground).Total of 2,992 victims,corrected for the 3rd time,and final number of victims.  Before,it was reduced to 3024 victims,minus 2,992=32 victims difference; and,from original 1st “estimate” of 3048, it is the difference of 56 victims.

In 1993-member of Al Kaida, Ramzi Jusef unsuccessfully bombed the WTC, inside the underground garages.Blamed was Egyptian blind sheik…

In 1996-Usama bin Ladin(Nidal) declared war to the US.

In 1998-Bin Ladin and Aiman Zawahri declared “fatwa”, calling to kill Americans.

In 1998-attacked US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, over 300 dead.

In 2000-attack on USS Cole by Yemeni coast…Perhaps all “false flag” operations to “justify” 9/11 attacks an then agressions against  Afghanistan and Irak which weren’t involved in the 911 attacks! ( Used was the plan called “Bojinka” in Philippines existing in 1995 to use “hijacked planes” to attack buildings, well known plan to Mossad)!

I just focused to relevant proofs and records of astronomical importance.  Since we know that WTC 7 (Salomon Brothers Building) was proven ‘controlled demolition’ by the Architects&Engineers for 9/11 Truth and,that BBC announced the collaps of the WTC 7 building 23 minutes earlier, only strenghten the entire 9/11 attacks being a false flag operation of zionist Blue Lodge to kill multiple of birds with one stone-action. This record is pointing out the astronomically important datas and where was the entire terrorist attacks taking us and aiming at:Novus Ordo Seclorum in 2033 !

Since the Manhattan island was used by the zionists as local, earthly copy of the Mesopotamia=Dark Rift=Paradise/Eden=Heaven,etc. In East of the Milky Way, where about 3,000 people were ‘sacrifed’on 9/11, we should remember that Sinai peninsula is similar copy of the same region in Milky Way, beside many other copies, and that Moses came down from the Mt  of God, at the same day ordered 3,000 to be slain due to their sins and ‘Golden Calf’ image…The modern “Golden Calf” on the Lower Manhattan is located at Liberty Street 33, nearby the demolished Twin Towers a building 5 floors underground, known as the ‘Federal Gold Reserve’, where all the gold bullions and other bars certainly dissapear in a jewish megabansters created “black hole” just as the missing billions from Pentagon, during 9/11 attacks, announced by then secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld, a stounch zionist and war crimminal!

With New York City being called as ‘Big Apple’ because it is a local copy of the biblical Eden in the east, where the biblical Eve got her “hairy APPLE” to Adam to conceive…A local Minha-synagogue, and copy of the yonic black hole-vagina full of jews, some New Yorkers of non jewish backround also calls as “Jew Yoke City”…Now we know why…

We should remember that the demolished Twin Towers had each 117 floors in total,110 above the ground and 7 belov, and each stood on 117 steel columns imbedded into the Manhattan’s granite bedrock.(Manhattan was discovered by Henry Hudson in Sept.11,1609, and Hudson river is his).

There is an amazing book from AngusK.Gillespie-Twin Towers, written and published before the 9/11 attacks, an excellent record how they being erected with numerous FREEMASONIC RITUALS carried out by the Port Authorities of Newark and New York City, overseeing their erection! He states in his book, that even during their erection, many architects called to ‘tear down’ that ugly cubical towers!

By enlisting in the Hebrew gematria number name values, it is worthy to note a such cabalistic numbers and names assoctians as this:

9-to act covertly, to deceive, to cheat.  11-to slaughter.

13-Yah is Father, a half Great name of god, a Father lodging for Mother,1st half in search of 2nd half.

14- to sacrify.   16- to slaughter,murder.

30-the Jews,Tribe of Judah and deceptive.   33-mourning,wailling, deep well and power(black hole) symbol.[Jews deeply involved in the Apocalypse and death of non-jews].

526-Sun or Fire and Blast, plus Cyrus ( don’t the zionist jews labelled pres.Trump as their King Cyrus and Messiah)??? We see his name in the Skyscrapers calendar central role, and number 526 associated with the time-frame when WTC1 was attacked at 526th minute of 9/11,a building high to its TV antenna tip, 526 meters.

527-brother of the dawn

528-number associated in Hebrew gematria with TERROR, when the WTC 7 coolapsed at 5:28 p.m. Eastern local time in the US…

Flight UA 93 ended up in the fields of SHANksville,Pennsylvania…SHAN means Mountain and Light in China,and number 93 is clearly associated with forthcoming Aquarian Age,as it is said in Bullinger’s book, Number in the Sripture. Shan also means ‘star and sun’ in China,and there was a



Shan-dynasty,enlightened dynasty,jus as the later Ming dynasty in 1368 CE…From the Tao-Path of Heavens in China,it is evident that the ‘enlightenment of nations’ goes with the Precession, from the East toward the West, and the I’ching book describes the various changes coming with this cycle of life on Earth. The same way went the conquests and migrations of the people…


From the cabalistic and freemasonic point of architecture records and NUMBERS


Attacked types of buildings:   SQUARE+PENTAGON= 9, the Ennead

Attacks by planes on buildings:  SQUARE+SQUARE+PENTAGON=13, House of the zodiac

Buildings which collapsed:    SQUARE+SQUARE+WTC 7=  15, skyscrapers and,pyramids,etc.


Cabalistic number-patterns of:  9×13=117    and   9×15=135

seen in the Codex Mendoza and within both pyramid complexes, the Giza pyramid complex and the Teotihuacan pyramid complex, known to the ancients and to our freemasons at top levels, as the only Global Clock measuring the Great Year (Anno Magnus), a large cyclus, of cca 25,920 years, not always of the same length.




As the pattern of 2013 and 20+13=2033, the most important date of all, the modern freemasons may try to deny further, even after this long record unravelling their biggest “secret”!


And from  25,920 years of the estimated Great Year length, if we subtract a such important cabalistic-masonic numbers as 135, we get (2)5,785 A.M. as 2025, the starting year of the “7 years long period of Trials and Tribulation”…And if we subtract 127 years from 25,920, we get (2)5,793A.M. as 2033CE,the year for Novus Ordo Seclorum and Annuit Coeptis…

The demolished Twin Towers started to be built in 1968,and existed for 33 years, before they were

send down by ‘controlled demolition’ on 09.11.2001. The ‘Towers of Light’ used to commemorate these buildings, were shown every night between March 11th and April 13th,  exactly for 33 days!

Now, the memorial ‘Ground Zero’ has two squared, watered holes as SQUARE+SQUARE=8, and appearing as doubles(=16)by those who can see it by their own eyes at Lower Manhattan…


Nearby was erected a complex of 4 buildings,with most prominent among them, the LibertyTower of 69 floors (number of rebirth and resurrection), 540 meters tall tower with visitors decks at 417 and 415 meters to remember the heights of WTC1+WTC2 of 1368’ feet and 1362’ feet(72” inches difference) with a pole reminding us the light torch on the female Statue of Liberty(loaded with astronomy datas) as new “light of liberty”(to come)…[The Statue of Liberty has 7 thorned crown as if local statue of “Mary Magdalene” with her 7 deadly sins removedbyChrist,theSavior].Tower 2,designed by Norman Foster of UK,finished in 2012. Tower 3, designed by Richard Rogers, and



finished in 2011. Tower 4, designed by japanese architect, Fuimihiko Maki, finished in 2011.

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