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English Annex

Zdrogovaní vojáci
English Annex

English Annex: Iran and the US: are Talks Even Possible?

The new Washington administration is open for negotiations with Tehran, but is not ready to either take any additional steps during the run-up to these potential contacts, or to fulfill any requirements put forth by Iran, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said during a scheduled briefing for reporters. She gave a reminder that the US government had previously signaled its “openness to diplomacy” with the Islamic Republic. Commenting on the statements from the leadership in Tehran about the possibility of enriching uranium up to 60%, she said that “Iran is far from complying with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that was signed back in the day with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany”.

English Annex Zdraví


The Pioneer Woman, Ann Marie „Ree“ Drummond, is widely agreed to be one of the most influential and successful blogger and one of the most celebrated TV chef personalities today. These days, she’s just as well-known for her foolproof recipes as she is for cooking for her number one fan, Ladd Drummond, or as she calls him, the Marlboro Man. And yet despite her tremendous success, it seems every interview and magazine profile has to make at least a passing reference to her recent weight gain.

English Annex

The shocking video on coronavirus spread rate will get you!

There are x videos about coronavirus on the Internet, but this shows a demonstration of the lightning force that has spread the disease across our planet. The video shows the time shift of the coronavirus on a map around the world since January 20, 2020. It first began to spread in China and then spread to more than 80 countries around the world by March 5, 2020! Look at it too, but get ready for a striking and powerful experience.

English Annex Rozhovor

Czech society is heading for violent conflict, prophesies for ČeskoAktálně.cz PhDr. Petr Hampl, Ph.D., sociologist and Czech patriot

Does it seem to us, or is tension in the Czech society steadily growing? For example, on Monday 10.2. Daniel Hůle from the NGO People in Need gave the employer a girl who allegedly made racist comments on social networks. She was subsequently fired from work. Don’t you worry where it will end?

English Annex

English Annex: Martin Konvička, Czech political activist, entomologist and associate professor at the University of South Bohemia, told Ceskoaktualne.cz

You are known for your negative attitude to Islam and often associate it with illegal immigration. Psychiatrist Peter Pöthe, who goes to help migrants to Greece, said in an interview with Reflex that the migrants there are not radical and essentially do not operate Islam. They say they will only become radical if we leave them behind the gate of the European Union, which could be a threat to us in the future. Should we then accept migrants so that we can see them and prevent them from radicalizing?

English Annex

English Annex: He claimed to be a CIA agent. But he was a crook

Internet dating sites can be full of people looking for true love or friendship. Apparently, a 37-year-old man who repeatedly met women on various internet dating sites bet on it, unfortunately not in order to find love, but to lure more money, which he did not return to women. The pretexts were different and the women very trusting.

English Annex Top 10

English Annex: Into The Wild: The Christopher McCandless Story

On September 6 1992, just outside of Denali National Park in central Alaska, a group of moose hunters discovered the decomposing remains of Christopher McCandless. Inside the rusting broken down bus in which McCandless was found dead were many notes and diary entries. It appeared that he had been dead for nineteen days from what the coroner’s report later determined as starvation.

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